"...brought over here
stone by stone from France
"Even my Negro butler and my barber...
"...have a suite of their own...
"I ride for an hour every morning
"I've got a white mare, 'Darling'
"Six secret agents
hired by the film company...
"...follow me on horseback...
|... at a distance of a 100 paces...
"I can't send you
lovely presents yet...
"...because I won't get my fee...
"...till the film is completed...
Before the film is completed?
"Anyway the import duty's
too high back home
"So I'm sending
a few little things with Luca for you
"But I've chosen for you
a grey Ford sedan
"I'll bring that myself
"A record-player
with a thousand records...
"...and a super radio...
"...on which you can even tune in
to the North Pole
"Although they don't play
Beethoven there...