
What are you saying?
I'll ask Janos to come home
- When?
- This very day

I don't ask that.
When is he to come home?

Right away
- Right away?
- Right away

If he can't finish his rotten film,
to hell with it

- What did you say?
- If I write that I'll divorce him...

...if he doesn't come at once,
he'll rush home!

- Divorce him?
- That's right!

I've been left alone too long!
Anybody else would've been
unfaithful long ago!

What's that half wit thinking of?
Come home?
Before the premiere?

To hell with the film
and all the dollars, too!

He won't get a bean if he doesn't
finish it, but I don't care!

I'm fed up with living alone!
If he comes home now,
he won't get paid a cent

I don't want his money!
You're quite right.
I'll cable him at once!

Dumme Gans!
With men, work comes first
You mustn't stop Janos
from finishing his film

Did you know the Dutch queen
wants to see it?

Who is more important?
You or the Dutch queen?

I'll cable him at once!
I forbid you to cable him!
Just listen here, my dear
I know what hurts you
You are jealous of Janos
But I know my son
