Closer still
Tell me the truth
When will he come home?
Please tell me the truth.
When will he come home?
In his last letter
he said three more months
But one month has already passed
You mustn't cry. Two months
isn't long, do you hear?
I won't live that long!
Remember, the professor said
you'll live to be 100!
Don't you remember, the professor...
The professor may have died by now
All right
I'll ask Janos to come home
What are you saying?
I'll ask Janos to come home
- When?
- This very day
I don't ask that.
When is he to come home?
Right away
- Right away?
- Right away
If he can't finish his rotten film,
to hell with it
- What did you say?
- If I write that I'll divorce him...
...if he doesn't come at once,
he'll rush home!
- Divorce him?
- That's right!
I've been left alone too long!
Anybody else would've been
unfaithful long ago!
What's that half wit thinking of?
Come home?
Before the premiere?
To hell with the film
and all the dollars, too!
He won't get a bean if he doesn't
finish it, but I don't care!
I'm fed up with living alone!