Things are not turning out
as we expected.
We see nothing but
hunger and death.
We lose men,
but we never see the enemy.
Even El Dorado hasn't been
more than an illusion.
Mexico was no illusion!
If we turn back now,
others will come.
And they will succeed!
And we'll remain a failure!
Even if this land only consists
of trees and water...
...we will conquer it!
And it'll be milked dry
by those who follow us.
My men measure riches in gold.
It is more.
It is power and fame.
I despise them for it.
I am sure, Aguirre is leading
us into destruction.
I almost feel, he does it deliberately.
We can't even get ashore, since
the river flooded the jungle for miles.
February twenty-second.
The suffering is dreadful.
Most men have fever
and hallucinations.
Hardly anyone can stand upright.
The soldier Justo Gonzales drank
my ink, thinking it was medicine.