l can't promise you anything,
but we can give it a try.
Darling, l want you to meet Herr Ludwig.
He's just back from Hamburg.
He lives in the room off the kitchen,
and he's a marvelous publisher.
Now look, he's got this book,
and it's got to be translated.
And l told him
what a famous writer you are...
...and it's 50 marks. Right?
lt's all settled.
lt will be an honor for me
to associate with...
...so talented a young man of letters
as Miss Bowles tells me.
This book, l assure you,
is most artistic...
...most artistic and color--
Twenty-five marks in advance. Right?
l think, Herr Roberts,
you will find the style--
ls there any hot water left?
-Hot water?
-Yes, a little.
l think you will find the style admirable...
...and the subject matter,
l feel, is universal.
-No, thank you.
No, you must. lt's the finest Havana.
lt's a deal?
Herr Ludwig, l'm afraid that Sally's
rather overestimated my powers of....
lt's a deal.