...so talented a young man of letters
as Miss Bowles tells me.
This book, l assure you,
is most artistic...
...most artistic and color--
Twenty-five marks in advance. Right?
l think, Herr Roberts,
you will find the style--
ls there any hot water left?
-Hot water?
-Yes, a little.
l think you will find the style admirable...
...and the subject matter,
l feel, is universal.
-No, thank you.
No, you must. lt's the finest Havana.
lt's a deal?
Herr Ludwig, l'm afraid that Sally's
rather overestimated my powers of....
lt's a deal.
That's it.
Fifty marks. Not bad, huh?
Do you know what this artistic
and colorful book's about?
No. Tell, tell.
lt's pure pornography.
But of course it is, darling.
All of Herr Ludwig's books are dirty books.
What's this one called?
''Cleo, the Whip Lady.''
You lied about the hot water.
l'm freezing.
l'm freezing to death.
Hug me?
Don't be so literal.