Yes, of course.
Herr Wendel, Fraulein Landauer.
-lt is a pleasure, miss.
-No, no, English conversation.
l am so charmed, dearest miss.
And...and this...
...this is Miss Sally Bowles.
How do you do?
Bobby, a Landauer in my house.
Last summer when l....
You are all healthy, l hope.
l have had a cold, but it is better now.
How sad.
A cold from the nose is most aggravating.
This was a cold of the bosom,
not of the nose.
All the plegm vas here.
All the what?
Ze plegm...zat comes in the tubes.
l think l'm gonna be sick.
Phlegm. ''Ph'' is always pronounced
as ''f'', and...
...you don't sound...the ''g.''
Then why are they putting the ''g'',
That's a very good question, but...
...it's rather difficult to explain.
Try, Brian.
lt's just there.
So, Mr. Professor, you do not know?
Then l'm sorry, l cannot help you.
lt's most amusing.
Very amusing.