We went ahead without his permission.
It was undiplomatic of us.
I see.
Oh, you mean, you and his wife.
Yes. Well, Jennifer's
an admirer of my work.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, she told me that.
Uh... Uh...
- I got a little problem.
- I'll get it.
Thank you.
Beau came back and he saw the plans.
It took him by surprise.
Beau is a volatile Texan
and when he gets angry, well, it shows.
Fortunately, when I explained
the project to him, he was delighted.
- I see. Happy ending, huh?
- Yeah.
But won't his disappearance interfere
with your plans to move ahead?
Are we back to that?
All the evidence indicates
that he left the country.
- His car is at the airport.
- That should prove it.
It should, yeah.
But you know,
we checked out every flight list
and there wasn't one Williamson on it.
Lieutenant, Beau is a...
He's a high-powered tycoon.
He's got exotic business interests
all over the world.
Isn't it possible for reasons not known
that he might occasionally
fly under a different name?
Yes. That is possible.
Then I wouldn't worry about it.
If you'll excuse me,
a hungry architect would like his dinner.
You know what's
a funny thing about that car?
Car's got a tape machine, and
the glove compartment is full of cassettes.
Every one of 'em is
country and western music, that's all.
And his wife says that's all he listens to.
Nothing unusual about that.
No, except the radio dial was set at 52.
Classical station.
Turned it on. Classical music.
I see.
- You want a half a candy bar?
- No.
Anyway, it seems that
whoever was driving that car
must've been listening to classical music.