- You found him?
- Not yet, but he'll turn up sooner or later.
l'm sorry for the inconvenience
we had to cause you.
Do forgive us, but it was unavoidable.
Oh, yes. Yes.
Then l'm... l'm free to go?
Oh, as soon as you sign
this sworn declaration.
- What does it say?
- Only what you've been telling us all along.
The circus ape
is incapable of human speech and,
to the best ofyour knowledge,
he's never uttered a word.
Excellent. Now we'll check this with the
authenticator, then you'll be free to go.
The... authenticator?
lt's just a formality. Sit back down,
please. lt'll just take a moment.
What does the authenticator do?
Makes people tell the truth.
lt's quite painless.
For example, you said you first heard the
name Cornelius in this office. Was that true?
- No.
- Now, there! You see?
That's not a bad black mark against you. You
probably heard it somewhere else before.
Now. About your statement,
sworn statement,
that the circus ape is incapable of speech.
- No. l won't submit to this.
- You will, SeƱor Armando!
l have done nothing wrong!
You are treating me like a criminal!
Sit back, please.
No! No, no.
- Guard!
- No!