They're gonna rape it.
- That's an extreme point of view, Lewis.
- It is.
We're gonna leave Friday from Atlanta.
I'm gonna have you back
in your little suburban house...
... in time to see the football game
on Sunday afternoon.
I know you'll be back in time to see
the pompom girls at halftime.
I know that's all you care about.
Lewis, I wanna thank you.
Is there any hillbillies up here?
Yeah, there's some people up there
that ain't never seen a town before.
No bigger than Aintry, anyway.
Them, those woods, are real deep.
The river's inaccessible,
except at a couple of points.
How we gonna get there, Lewis?
I'm gonna take you there.
What the hell do you know about canoein'?
I know enough about canoein'
to handle the both of you.
I don't know what that means,
but I'll go along with you.
This is the last chance we got
to see this river.
Just wait until you feel
that white water under you.
- Ain't that right?
- I don't know if I'm ready.
If we are lost, I don't wanna hear about it.
I've never been lost in my life.