You wanna talk aboutthe vanishing wilderness?
Why are you so anxious about this?
Because they're building a damacross the Cahulawasse River.
They're gonna flood a whole valley, Bobby.
They're drowning the river, man.
- We're talkin' to you.- All right.
Just about the last wild, untamed,unpolluted, unfucked-up river in the South.
- Don't you understand?- We understand.
There ain't gonna be no more river.Just gonna be a big, dead lake.
It's a very clean wayto make electric power.
Those lakes provide many peoplewith recreation.
My father-in-law has a houseboaton Lake Bowie.
You push a little more power into Atlanta...
... a little more air conditionersfor your smug little suburb...
... and you know what's gonna happen?They're gonna rape this whole landscape.
They're gonna rape it.
- That's an extreme point of view, Lewis.- It is.
We're gonna leave Friday from Atlanta.
I'm gonna have you backin your little suburban house...
... in time to see the football gameon Sunday afternoon.
I know you'll be back in time to seethe pompom girls at halftime.
I know that's all you care about.
Lewis, I wanna thank you.