Not really.
He learned 'em, he doesn't feel 'em.
That's his problem.
He wants to be one with nature
and he can't hack it.
This is a hell of a time to be tellin' us that.
Lewis, you scared the shit out of me!
Oh, who was it, Lewis?
I don't know. I thought I heard something.
Something or someone?
I don't know.
Good night, Lewis.
Good night, Drew.
I'm goin' to sleep.
Night has fallen.
And there's nothin' we can do about it.
I had my first wet dream in a sleepin' bag.
How was it?
There's no repeatin' it.
Never mind.
No matter what disaster may occur
in other parts of the world...
...or what petty little problems...
...arise in Atlanta...
...no one can find us up here.
Good night, Lewis.