Don't try to give me no jive, broad.
I see what I want.
I come here to spend my money.
And I see what I want, and this is it.
- Come on. Come on, now.
- Well, you can't get what you see.
And since you don't want
what you can get...
then you know where you can go,
and this is it.
We don't need his kind, no way.
Imagine him making all that fuss
over one young kid.
- He must have been good and drunk.
- Yeah, drunk or blind. Shit.
All right, honey.
You can go now. That's enough.
You are wearing this thing out
and me with it.
Now, why don't you take it with you
and make it a good home?
You mean, I can have it?
If you can get out of here with it
before I can count to 10. One...
two, three, four...
five, six, seven, eight...
nine, ten.
Eleanora. Eleanora.
The good Lord
give you two long legs to run with...
and He give me two strong hands...
to beat your black behind blue
the next time you slowpoke home...
when you know we got an all-night drive
before we get to Cousin Charlotte's.
- Sorry.
- Now, here.
You take these here keys
and make sure you use them.
I don't wanna come back here Sunday
night and find the house all cleaned out.
Talking about cleaning,
you didn't do the steps this week...