Eleanora. Eleanora.
The good Lord
give you two long legs to run with...
and He give me two strong hands...
to beat your black behind blue
the next time you slowpoke home...
when you know we got an all-night drive
before we get to Cousin Charlotte's.
- Sorry.
- Now, here.
You take these here keys
and make sure you use them.
I don't wanna come back here Sunday
night and find the house all cleaned out.
Talking about cleaning,
you didn't do the steps this week...
and the oven could use
a good scrubbing.
I didn't have time to make the beds,
and there's washing to be put out.
Wave goodbye to your cousin Eleanora.
I'm gonna call Reverend Jones and
make sure you get to church on Sunday.
Now, you be a good girl, Eleanora,
and next time you can come with us.
There's a letter inside
from your mama from New York.
And empty out the pan under the icebox.