-Not anymore, sweetheart.
lt's a giant puh-hay-lis.
l can't even look at the Grand Canyon
anymore without crossing my legs.
That's bullshit.
This icing is delicious.
You must get a lot of hysterical parents
calling you now, Sheriff?
-lt's not that unusual, Mrs. Collingwood.
We've gotten lots of calls like this
in the past few years.
Kids running off to the big city
for a few days.
Our chances are that Mari will be back
before supper.
Still, it's wise of you to call us.
At least all our phones are working.
That's just great!
We're a million miles from nowhere, too!
King car of the road!
-All right, what's the matter?
-lt stopped!
l think l've found the trouble.
This thing pulled out,
and it's all covered with oil.
Christ, didn't they teach you nothing
in reform school?
Take it easy on him, he's just a kid.
l know, but when l was his age,
l could fix any car in two seconds.
Hey, Krug. Where the hell are we?
l just have the strangest feeling
we should be doing something more.
Now, hold on.
My deputy Harry,
he's down there in the radio car.
He's calling New York right now.
And if we hear anything....
Here he is right now.
What did you hear?
New York police don't have
anybody of her description...
...in jail or on ice.
lt's their term.
Guy in the morgue says
he hasn't had a kid on ice all day.
First time in five years.
ls that the last of the cake?
There's a tool kit in the trunk.
l want you to start this goddamn car.
Bitch! She bit me!
This ain't getting us out of the state.
She bit me! That bitch bit me!
Weasel, we're gonna have a little fun.