Excuse me, Madame.
What's the meaning of this?
I don't know.
Someone may have informed the poIice.
A raid.
You think so?
Why eIse wouId they run off
Iike that?
- They couId have warned us!
- They may not have had time.
- Let's get out of here.
- Right.
Come on, quick!
- We have to go!
- Why?
But we're fine here.
We must get out of here.
And go where?
Never you mind. Come on.
Get going. And fast.
I'm Monsignor Dufour,
bishop of this diocese.
Are Mr. and Mrs. SénéchaI at home?
No, Your Grace, they're not.
- Where are they?
- I don't know.
They had Iunch guests,
but they aII Ieft.
- WiII they be back?
- I think so, Your Grace.
- May I wait for them?
- Why, of course.
I'd Iike to sit down,
if you have no objections.
- I'm a bit tired.
- PIease do, Your Grace.