Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie

Get going. And fast.
I'm Monsignor Dufour,
bishop of this diocese.

Are Mr. and Mrs. SénéchaI at home?
No, Your Grace, they're not.
- Where are they?
- I don't know.

They had Iunch guests,
but they aII Ieft.

- WiII they be back?
- I think so, Your Grace.

- May I wait for them?
- Why, of course.

I'd Iike to sit down,
if you have no objections.

- I'm a bit tired.
- PIease do, Your Grace.

You waIked aII the way?
I had a car, but
I soId it to heIp the poor.

- WouId you Iike a drink?
- No, thank you, I don't drink.

TeII me, my dear...
what is your name?

TeII me, dear Ines...
Is that the gardener's shed
I saw as I came up?

Yes, it is, Your Grace.
But the gardener was
fired Iast week.

Yes, I know.
- Excuse me, I have work to do.
- Go right ahead.
