Hubert, my son. It's me.
Don't be afraid.
Come here. Don't be afraid.
Listen to me.
Come cIoser.
The man who Iives in this house
and caIIs you son is not your father.
Do you understand?
Look. Your reaI father is there.
The other one kiIIed him in a dueI.
We were deepIy in Iove.
Now, Iisten to me.
Don't be afraid.
Your so-caIIed father usuaIIy
wakes at night for a gIass of miIk.
In the bathroom cabinet
you'II find a bIue viaI.
Tonight, when he's asIeep,
go and empty it into his gIass.
It's your mother's Iast request.
FareweII, my son.