dinner is served.
- Your Grace...
- After you, Madame, pIease.
- WiII you do the honors?
- If you insist.
Who can that be at this hour?
RosaIie, pIease get the door.
Ladies, gentIemen, good evening...
PIease excuse us.
I was expecting you tomorrow.
Maneuvers were moved up a day.
But, CoIoneI, turning up Iike this...
I'm truIy sorry.
It's not my fauIt, beIieve me.
We have guests tonight.
I suppose you haven't had dinner.
Give me 5 minutes
and I'II see what I can do.
In the meantime, won't you have
a drink and meet our friends?
With pIeasure.
Can you heIp with the chairs?
At your service, Madame.
Let's see what's in the fridge.
Some paté, some ham...