The return address is
'"The Filthiest People Alive.""
Who would dare use that title?
Who would dare?!
Wrapped all fancy.
lt's just a birthday present,
No, it's no birthday present,
l smell deep, dark trouble.
Oh, my God Almighty!
Someone has sent me
a bowel movement!
Oh, Babs!
A turd, Mama, a turd!
Who could've sent this?
A turd?
Oh, a turd! Oh, Babs!
This is a direct attack
on my divinity...
a direct attack
on the peace and harmony...
of our last few weeks here...
an outrageous attempt...
to humiliate and disgrace
my private life!
Someone will pay for this.
Someone will pay with their life
for this grossly offensive act!
Mama, nobody sends you a turd
and expects to live. Nobody!
Why would anybody
do this to us? Why?
Look. Look, here's a card.
Read it, Cotton.
lt's a birthday card,
a fucking birthday card!
Well, what does it say?!
Oh, God, Babs.
'"Happy birthday, fatso.""
""You are no longer
the filthiest person alive.
'"We are.""
Signed, ""The Filthiest
People Alive.""
Just as l thought--
a deliberate attempt
to seize my title!
Eggman didn't do it, Babs.
l know the eggman didn't do it.
l don't think he did,
either, Mother.
Now, shut up
and let me think, will you?
That Cookie was asking
questions, Crackers.
l heard her.
She's right, Ma. She's right.
But why would she
send us a turd?
Who knows? Who knows?
These are obviously
jealous people--
jealous of our careers,
of all of our press.
Why else would they sign that
""The Filthiest People Alive""?
Everyone knows that that title
has become my trademark.
Why, to use it in this way...
is only to insinuate that
they are filthier than l.
How could anyone
seriously believe that?
How could anyone
be filthier than Divine?
l'm afraid
our little vacation...
must come to an end.
This must be nipped in the bud.
lt's already out of hand.