Then l get these spells!
l don't plan it!
lt just happens.
Then l think about my position,
my social standing...
just like you two do,
and l just play!
l just make believe
that l am you!
l know it isn't reality!
l know that l'm really me!
Haven't l been a faithful
servant for two years now?
Haven't l given you
my all in this job?
Oh, you've been faithful,
all right...
faithful in your stupidity,
faithful in your laziness...
faithful in your incompetent
lame-brained attitude!
And now this shockingly
flagrant breach of contract!
We can no longer employ you
here at 3,900, Channing.
That is obvious.
There will be
a complete inspection...
of all your bags, Channing...
so do not attempt...
to take any of
my clothing with you.
l will also take
a complete inventory...
of all my belongings,
from makeup--
Oh, God!
Right on down to panties!
And, of course,
have everything...
sent to the cleaners
God knows what you could've
gotten on my clothes.
Now, go to your room,
and stay there
until we summon you!
Please change your minds!
lt was only playing!
l won't ever--
Stop that yammering and move.
And don't try anything funny...
or you'll be right down there
with Suzie and Linda.
How would you like that?
Had we known...
we would've given you
a maid's uniform to wear...
instead of a butler's!
Just playing.
l know l'm not you, Connie.
lt was just playing.
l didn't mean any harm.
Raymond, l wasn't really spying.
lt was just playing.
What will they do with me?
Oh, God,
please make them let me stay.
l'm afraid.
Oh, God, have mercy on me.
Now what are you saying?!
Nothing, Raymond!
Oh, God, nothing!
l wasn't saying anything!
Connie and l
have to go out for a while.
We want to be sure
you stay in your room...