"I know ! Don't you mind me.
I won't disturb ye.
I'll just be gettin' on with me dustin'."
- Andrew,
If I don't knock you out,
- How have I tied you up ?
- That's a very good question.
Come to think of it, you could
always hold a gun on me.
But we professional burglars don't fancy
firearms much. We are English, after all.
You could always conquer
your anglo-saxon scruples.
Besides, it would be my own revolver that
you'd taken from me during the struggle.
- Is that loaded ?
- Well, of course. What'd be
the use of it otherwise ?
And I think it ought to go off
once or twice as we tussle,
blowing to smithereens the usual
priceless heirlooms, hmm ?
- Why ?
- To lend credence to my story
of your holding it on me...
While you gagged me and
tied me up, all right ?
Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so.
There. Right.
Now, what to sacrifice ?
What about this old codger up here ?
Put that down at once !
That's my Edgar Allan Poe award,
given to me by the Mystery
Writers of America...
for one of Merridew's greatest triumphs,
the Slaying of Jack Spratt.
Ironically enough, for
one who could eat no fat,
he was murdered by an injection
of concentrated cholesterol.
what do you say to the demolition of
that gaudy old swansea puzzle jug ?
- Puzzle jug ?
- To solve the puzzle,
pour some water out of it.
Very funny.
Marguerite thought it clever, which ought
to tell you something about Marguerite.
Let us expose its shortcoming.
Well, you might have said
"good shot."
You bloody maniac !
You could have killed me !
Tosh ! Not dead-eye Wyke,
The demon gunman of Cloak Manor.