given to me by the Mystery
Writers of America...
for one of Merridew's greatest triumphs,
the Slaying of Jack Spratt.
Ironically enough, for
one who could eat no fat,
he was murdered by an injection
of concentrated cholesterol.
what do you say to the demolition of
that gaudy old swansea puzzle jug ?
- Puzzle jug ?
- To solve the puzzle,
pour some water out of it.
Very funny.
Marguerite thought it clever, which ought
to tell you something about Marguerite.
Let us expose its shortcoming.
Well, you might have said
"good shot."
You bloody maniac !
You could have killed me !
Tosh ! Not dead-eye Wyke,
The demon gunman of Cloak Manor.
Now, what next ?
Ah ! The last tender memento
of our venetian honeymoon.
I will not resist the temptation.
Shucks, gosh-darn it if I ain't
missed the doggone critter.
- You hit what you were
aiming for, all right.
- Don't be peevish, Milo.
There's nothing like a little
bit of mayhem to cheer one up.
- Did you ever know Charlie Begby ?
- You know damn well I didn't.
He was the very finest
shot I ever did see.
I once saw him bag six ducks with
one shot when he was blind drunk.
Only thing was, they were china ducks
in his Auntie's drawing room.
And I said,
"Charlie, you can't do that.
It's the closed season."
Told you, he always laughs at my jokes.
Even the bad ones.