Paying back in kind.
Every wop knows about that.
- Well, is honor satisfied ?
Score even ? One set all ?
"Honor" ?
That's another one of your words.
I know...
that you've stripped me...
more than naked.
I know... that you actually...
terrified me to death.
I stood on those stairs looking down...
and realizing that my-my coat sleeve button,
the bannister,
the nail on my fourth finger...
were absolutely the last things
I was gonna see...
Then, I heard...
the sound... of my own death.
Now, that changes you, Andrew,
believe me, and I still owe you for that.
It'll pass. It's shock, my dear fellow.
Here, let me give you--
I don't want an even score !
And don't you give me any of that
one-set-all, it's-enough-to-take-part crap.
My father just took part,
and his father,
and his father.
Losers, as far back as you can go !
Well, it stops with me !
With me, the Tindles start winning !
And others start losing.
You, for example.
Me ? Lose what ?
A new game--
My kind, my rules, played my way.
And to start it, I have killed someone.
- You've killed someone ?
- Murdered someone.
Committed murder.
- You're not serious.