...l've got this friend who's got this...
- Little place upstairs.
- Little place upstairs.
I thought we'd have some coffee and...
- Cognac?
- Cognac.
- You've been there before.
- I'm wildly guessing.
- Shall we?
- Why not?
Why pay for something
when you can get it for free?
I didn't mean it to sound like that.
Would you please forget what I said?
- Certainly.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Where do I go?
- Thank you.
- 'Bye, madam.
Thank you, sir.
How long have you been divorced?
About six months.
You had two kids in the first three years?
No, I had them in the first two years.
Was he Catholic?
No, he wasn't Catholic
and I wasn't careless.
I just wanted those kids. I don't know.
It all suddenly became extremely fine.
- Then why'd you keep his name?
- It was the only thing he was giving away.
My God, you ask a lot of questions.
People either hate it or love it.
It's about 70/30.
- Milk and sugar?
- Sugar, please.
You know, it's a funny thing.
I can always tell about people.
- Can you?
- I know immediately when I'm relating.
I felt it right away with you.
Do you feel it, too?
Well, I...
I must feel something,
otherwise why am I here...
...when I should be stealing
Saint Laurent's new autumn line?
- Exactly.
- Can I say something to you?
In the past two days,
you have picked me up in the rain...
...given me tea, bought me lunch,
lured me to this hideaway...
...with the intention
of getting me into bed...
...for what you Americans
so charmingly call "a quickie."
Is that a fair resumé so far?
Why do women always think the worst?
Why does sex always have to be
the first thing that... Yes.
I'll be honest with you.
I'm a divorced woman.
I'm under a lot of strain and tension.
I'm not sleeping too well.
I can do with some good,
healthy, uninvolved sex...
...with someone who loves his wife and
won't be a pain in the ass when it's over.