The only house with flies
in winter...
How did it happen with you and Dad?
What? -How'd you meet,
fall in love, get married?
What's all this about?
Anyway, who remembers!
Your dad's not a great one
for compliments.
He was a laborer at Saludecio,
my folks had a bit of money and
they didn't think much of him...
Well, we eloped
without saying a word to anyone.
When did he give you
your first kiss?
What kind of a question is that?
I don't even know whether
there was one.
The first time, he raised his hat,
and that's all.
It was the most one could do
in those days.
It's not like now,
when all kinds of things go on.
But I never manage anything.
-Stay covered, you're all sweaty.
What do you mean "manage,"
and you still in short pants?
Well, get me some long ones then,
like the other kids!
What others? Gina!
She told me I wasn't to send
any more love letters.
Go and ask the doctor
to come as soon as he can.
Get him to examine you
at the same time.
Run along...
But I'll send letters
just when I like.
In Africa! I'll become
a doctor and go to Africa!
That'll teach her!