You gonna print the proverb,
"Once a drunk, always a drunk"?
Meaning what?
He'll go back to prison.
- You knew he was in once?
- Yes.
How did he sing you his song?
I must tell you this.
I already know all about him.
A man from the justice department
vouched for him.
With a Bible in one hand,
and a blessing in the other?
I can't play the educator.
I risk my hide to get those bastards.
He's not a bastard anymore.
He works now.
What do you want?
Thanks for coming,
but you need not come back.
That's up to me.
It's time.
Damn, out of cigarettes.
I'll go get some.
I remembered to buy some.
- How about a Havana cigar?
- Good idea.
- I'll get some.
- Don't go. I have some.
Frederic lost a bet about Cuba. Here.
Go ahead.
Okay. Lucy, where are the matches?
- I'll go get some.
- Long ones.
Tell me.
You know what my job is?
Gino said you work with delinquents.
It can't always be much fun.
Not really.