- Who stole it?
- I did.
Can't you swipe a heap that runs?
- Straight?
- No, the usual route.
We can't be too careful.
Two exits.
Here we go again.
Hello, Gino.
Aren't you working?
I'm on my way.
The police sent you this.
Damn! When will it end?
Maybe it's good news
on your residence permit.
Good news? Yeah.
Strabliggi, we're all bastards.
Know why?
Because you think so.
Don't you?
You want me to say
stupid things. Why?
To put you at ease.
Not in here.
Where did you meet her?
And your own wife?
I'm the one asking the questions.
You're the one with a police record.
You want to be kicked out of town?
If not, answer politely.
Where did you meet?