High Plains Drifter

I can remember some hysterics
one night not too long ago.

Callie, keep your mouth shut!
Morgan, get her out of here.
I´ll see you later.
Not while that squinty-eyed
son ofa bitch is still breathing!

You wonder ifthere´s
a man left in this town!

I mean, one honest-to-God man
with a full set of balls!

why not?
´Cause l´m not a gunfi ghter.
Well, don´t get fact
mixed up with stupid.

Besides, I have nothing
against these men.

Who´d you say they are?
Stacey Bridges and his cousins,
the Carlin boys.

They worked for the company.
What you call ´´troubleshooters.´´
Just like those three
you done in yesterday...

except when they was here before,
there was lots oftrouble.

And they took care of it too...
except they got too damn big
for their britches.

Started pushin´ people around
and takin´ over the town...

- and we had to--
- Had to what?

We had to take them into custody,
that´s what.

I clapped the old bracelets
on them myself.

Hey, you won´t be wantin´
that slab of pie, will ya?

You know what happened, friend?
They stole a golden ingot
out ofthe mining office...

and they hid it under the floorboard
ofthe shack that they lived in.

Kind ofcareless of´em, wasn´t it?
Does a mining company usually leave
gold ingots lyin´ around like that?
