except when they was here before,
there was lots oftrouble.
And they took care of it too...
except they got too damn big
for their britches.
Started pushin´ people around
and takin´ over the town...
- and we had to--
- Had to what?
We had to take them into custody,
that´s what.
I clapped the old bracelets
on them myself.
Hey, you won´t be wantin´
that slab of pie, will ya?
You know what happened, friend?
They stole a golden ingot
out ofthe mining office...
and they hid it under the floorboard
ofthe shack that they lived in.
Kind ofcareless of´em, wasn´t it?
Does a mining company usually leave
gold ingots lyin´ around like that?
That does seem a bit peculiar.
Matter offact, Stacey kept bringing
that up at the trial all the time...
saying that he was
being railroaded.
That´s why they´re mad at us.
-I´ll tell you what you can do, Sheriff.
When those boys
come back to town...
you just clap the bracelets
right on ´em.
I might have forgot to mention...
they were all three
passed out at the time.
Look, l´m no lawman.
Theyjust hung
this thing on me...
when that young Marshal Duncan
was killed.
You know he was whipped to death
right here in this street.
Damnedest thing I ever saw.
Why would anybody want
to do a thing like that?
I don´t know. It wasn´t anybody
from this town anyhow.
How do you know?
This is a good town
and these are good people.
Look, friend, we sure would like it
ifyou´d help us with our problem.
Only problem you´ve got
is a short supply of guts.