This is a .44 Magnum,
the most powerful handgun in the world.
And it could blow your head clean off.
Do you feel lucky?
Mr. Ricca!
How do you feel about your acquittal?
lt proves what l always said,
l had nothing to do with Scarza's murder.
Who could have killed
Anthony Scarza and his family?
That's a stupid question. Get off my back!
Mr. Weinstein, explain the technicality
involving the lack of admissible evidence.
That's a legality
that can't be explained at this time.
Mr. Weinstein, you don't seem surprised
about the decision.
l don't know why they waste
the taxpayers' money.
This whole thing is an arbitrary attack
on a legitimate businessman.
-Do you have any comments?
-What, dear?
Do you have any other comments?
l'll give you a comment:
Their minds are dead.
-What do you mean by that?
-Their minds are dead.
Mr. Ricca means he is very pleased
with the decision.
There's a big crowd.
Do you fear for your life?
No, of course not.
Mr. Estabrook.
As the prosecutor,
how do you feel about the court's decision?
lt's happened before,
it'll probably happen again.
l have no more comments.
l'm sorry, no comments. No comments!
l have no comments.
You know what l think?
l'll tell you what l think!
Fuck the courts, that's what l think!
They've already wasted too much time
worrying about the rights of killers!