This is a .44 Magnum,the most powerful handgun in the world.
And it could blow your head clean off.
Do you feel lucky?
Mr. Ricca!How do you feel about your acquittal?
lt proves what l always said,l had nothing to do with Scarza's murder.
Who could have killedAnthony Scarza and his family?
That's a stupid question. Get off my back!
Mr. Weinstein, explain the technicalityinvolving the lack of admissible evidence.
That's a legalitythat can't be explained at this time.
Mr. Weinstein, you don't seem surprisedabout the decision.
l don't know why they wastethe taxpayers' money.
This whole thing is an arbitrary attackon a legitimate businessman.
-Do you have any comments?-What, dear?
Do you have any other comments?
l'll give you a comment:Their minds are dead.
-What do you mean by that?-Their minds are dead.
Mr. Ricca means he is very pleasedwith the decision.
There's a big crowd.Do you fear for your life?
No, of course not.
Mr. Estabrook.
As the prosecutor,how do you feel about the court's decision?
lt's happened before,it'll probably happen again.
l have no more comments.
l'm sorry, no comments. No comments!
l have no comments.
You know what l think?l'll tell you what l think!
Fuck the courts, that's what l think!
They've already wasted too much timeworrying about the rights of killers!