My wife's a good cook.
Have a little dinner with us.
No, thanks. l just saw something
that killed my appetite.
We'll catch those animals with their pants
down. l was going to call you at home.
We got our search warrants
and multiple charges.
We're going to make a city-wide raid
tomorrow morning.
Palancio is yours.
Just don't take him out head-first, Harry.
l think you'll find what l want to show you
in ballistics very interesting.
You'll find more leads than you can
shake a stick at tomorrow morning.
-Good morning, Harry. Sir.
Do you mind excusing us
for a few minutes?
There's only two.
-l wonder what happened to the others.
-Federal boys have them.
Take a look.
Close, real close.
But there's still a lot of lines
that don't match up.
All this proves is that these two bullets...
...came from barrels
with a similar twist and width of rifling.
You don't think it would stand up
as evidence?
As it is, no.
But l'll have a full comparison report made,
no problem.
You're probably right.
Besides, it isn't necessary yet.
What do you mean, ''yet''?
Where'd you get that slug?
-l'd just as soon not say for the time being.
-Don't play games on this.