Take the jacket out of your mouth,
Boy, sometimes they're too much for me.
But then l can't afford
a woman coming in anymore.
l think you manage quite well.
Well, l just laugh all day long.
l'm glad you called.
Tell me, have you seen Charlie?
Yes, l saw him last night.
Wanted to see the kids...
...and then he started playing
a little Russian roulette with his revolver.
What happened?
What could l do? l went next door,
we finally got him to stop.
What do you tell your children...
...when they ask why their father
tried to shoot himself?.
What did you tell them?
l just said it was a special kind of sickness
that some people have...
...and that there are doctors
who could cure it...as if they could.
Do you know where he's living right now?
l don't know and l don't care anymore.
He's so sick.
He shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun.
Do you know that he was living
in North Beach with some nude dancer?
Oh, well, l'm glad l'm over that one.
l do have to survive.
You will.
You know, Harry, if l ask you
a personal question, would you mind?
Sure, go ahead.
Are you sure?
Because, well, it's a little difficult.
Look, we've been friends a long time,
go ahead and ask.