You sure shot the pants off
of everybody with that score, Harry.
l've never seen you smoother.
By the way, l personally want to tell you...
...how sorry l am
about what happened to Charlie.
What l can't figure out, Frank,
is how that kid, Davis, got in there first.
You guys were right across the street.
l don't have a goddamned idea, Harry.
The kid came out of nowhere.
We were in that garage
before you could spit.
Maybe l'm slowing down in my old age
or something, l don't know.
l want to be the first to congratulate you
on what l think will be the winning score.
You shaded me by seven points.
The only person now
who has a chance is Davis.
Shoot 'em up!
l think the kid beat you, Harry.
lt happens.
Harry, he edged you by four points.
That evens it up on the overall champion.
You have your choice in the shoot-off.
Bull's eye or combat?