lf l'd have been there sooner,
he might still be alive.
He didn't deserve to get it that way.
lf there's anything l can do....
l feel responsible somehow.
The next shooter is Callahan.
Davis on deck.
You sure shot the pants off
of everybody with that score, Harry.
l've never seen you smoother.
By the way, l personally want to tell you...
...how sorry l am
about what happened to Charlie.
What l can't figure out, Frank,
is how that kid, Davis, got in there first.
You guys were right across the street.
l don't have a goddamned idea, Harry.
The kid came out of nowhere.
We were in that garage
before you could spit.
Maybe l'm slowing down in my old age
or something, l don't know.
l want to be the first to congratulate you
on what l think will be the winning score.
You shaded me by seven points.