Whose side are you on anyway?
lt's just a wild shot
and l'm probably wrong.
l'd like to handle it my own way.
By the way, l'd like to have Davis
and Sweet as my back-up squad tomorrow.
They're just rookies for Christ's sake.
You drum up somebody in the department
who can shoot as well and l'll use them.
Goddamn it,
there isn't supposed to be any shooting.
Besides, they don't have the experience yet
for a job like this.
How the hell's a man supposed to get
experience if nobody gives him a chance?
And Davis is the new pistol champion.
Suppose they panic and start shooting?
Nothing wrong with shooting,
as long as the right people get shot.
-Let him know who you are and keep cool.
l want you to keep an eye
on Davis and Sweet.
What for?
Just do it, will you?
All right.
-You all set?
-All set.
We'll take off in three cars.
Davis and Sweet will make the arrest.
Early will cover.
l'll be on the back at the pier
in case anybody makes a break for it.
lf there'll be trouble, that's where it'll start.
We're holding the other squads back
until you've made your arrest.
Yours is the most important, it'll be
the first. We don't want any foul-ups.
l'd never walk up to a door with Harry,
too many people don't like him.
Thanks. l needed that.
-You boys ready?
-Yes, sir.
-Thank you for requesting us.
-Sir, we won't let you down.
Well, l'm depending on that.