Eat it.
Look, Harry, if it means anything,
l think you got the wrong end of the stick.
-You do?
What did they find when they got in there?
Nothing. Palancio was as clean
as he could possibly be.
They knew we were coming, Harry.
Why do you figure they opened up on us?
They must've thought
it was a set-up like the others.
-lt was.
lt was a set-up, Early.
What l'll lay on you seems so far-fetched,
l can't even believe it myself.
l gave up being surprised
working with you anyway.
Would you be surprised if l told you...
...a bunch of rookie cops were the ones
who were doing all the killing?
See this?
l gave Briggs a phony for the time being.
This is a bullet l took out
of the target range.
lt came from Davis' gun.
lt matches up with the one
taken out of Charlie McCoy's body.
Davis? That's insane.
Maybe so, but somebody tipped-off
Palancio that we were coming.
Wanting me killed or Palancio
or hopefully both.
Yeah, but Sweet died today.
Sweet was sacrificed.
What's more important if l'm right,
l'll be sacrificed.
They've gotta figure l told you,
which means you'll be sacrificed.
lf anything happens to me,
l want you to give that to Lt. Briggs.
What happens if they get us both?
Then they win.
lt's not hard to understand
how this could happen, the way things are.