lf you mix it with him, he won't back off.
He's all yours, Callahan.
That's very nice, Lieutenant,
but l don't think Palancio--
l want you on him, Callahan.
l'd bust Palancio for stepping
on a crack on the sidewalk if l could...
...but this isn't his style.
Not the cars anyway, it's too direct.
Callahan, you just keep your nose
pressed against Palancio's ass...
...until l get a warrant
from the DA's office to bring him in.
And l want the first conviction
on this animal.
He's liable to be your next victim.
What are you asking for, Lieutenant?
l'm not asking you to follow him, lnspector.
For the last goddamn time, l'm telling you.
Nick Royale, Palancio's No. 1 hitter.
He's had good training.
What's happening?
Nothing, just a lot of peeping and checking,
checking and peeping.
l knew an old boy once
who used to keep pigs under his bed.
Pigs? The eating kind?
The eating kind.
ls all you ever think of your stomach?
That's very interesting.
l think we better get going.