Magnum Force

l'm going out fighting.
That's the only way to go. Am l right?
You boys rookies?
Yes, sir. Traffic.
l'm John Davis. This is Phil Sweet.
That's Red Astrachan, Mike Grimes.
-You're lnspector Harry Callahan, no?
-That's right.

What are you doing here?
Don't you have regular times for this?

You shouldn't be on the streets
if you can't shoot well.

-Killers don't make allowances.
-You're in big trouble.

Can't fault you there.
Are you shooting
in the combat championship next week?

l always do.
-You win every year, don't you?
-Became sort of an institution around here.

Yes, sir, we've heard all about you.
This is about the only time
l get this place alone.

We'll leave if you'd like
the range to yourself.

No, that's all right.
What kind of a load do you use in that .44?
A light special.
This size gun gives me better control
and less recoil...

...than a .357 Magnum with wadcutters.
