Hijacking and gambling.
Narcotics and prostitution.
This is the cream in the bottle.
Someone wants
to put the courts out of business.
So far, you've said nothing wrong.
This one just came in an hour ago.
Somebody wants it all.
This guy was just a pimp.
That's one of his girls.
How did she get it?
Sometime before he got hit, he poured
a can of drain cleaner down her throat.
That shows a certain sense of style.
You're all heart, Callahan.
Am l gonna have to have him
leaning over my shoulder?
You work with Briggs on this, Callahan.
But if you ever lean out of line, so help me,
l'll flop you lower than whale shit.
Speaking of whale shit,
what have you turned up, Briggs?
Nobody in my department
is sitting on their ass.
See this thing, Callahan? The chief.
He calls me on this all the time.
Even in the can.
l haven't been out of my shoes
in 48 hours...
...and still we have no witnesses, not one.
ln these cases, there's always
an officer right on top of the crime.
But nobody's ever seen a thing.
-Who was the officer on this one?
-A patrolman, Sweet.
Wasn't it, Briggs?
Sweet seems like a good man.
l'll get on the ballistic reports
first thing in the morning.
We ran all the slugs through ballistics.
We'll never see those guns.
lt was too professional,
you're wasting your time.
Well, it takes me time, Briggs.
A man has to know his limitations.