We're checking that out now, Lieutenant.
Looks like somebody saved
the taxpayers a lot of money, doesn't it?
Callahan, what're you doing here?
You're on loan to stakeout.
We had nothing hot on,
besides, we were close.
Callahan, you get your lying ass in gear
and get back to that stakeout squad.
Anything else, you call it in.
-Who do you think did this, Briggs?
-You're on loan to stakeout, Callahan.
That's right, Lieutenant, you saw to that.
l've got nothing personal
against you, Callahan.
But we can't have the public crying,
''police brutality''...
...every time you're on the street.
You just might need me on a job like this.
Whoever did this was very good at it.
You'd sure be the one to know, Harry.
-Well, l just work for this city, Briggs.
-So do l.
Longer than you.
And l never had to take my gun out
of its holster, once. l'm proud of that.
Well, you're a good man, Lieutenant.
A good man always knows his limitations.
Lt. Briggs?
What did you get?
Well, it looks like
they were killed with a Magnum.
The boys now are checking
the blood types and for fingerprints.
What do you have?
Driver's license. Doesn't look at all
like the usual gangster crap, does it?
Briggs has his nose up his ass today.
l guess he thinks
that's where his promotion is.
See you later, Harry.
What's with you and Briggs anyway?
He knows this is the kind of case
l should be on. lt's just a matter of time.
Hey, Early, want to get in on this?
What the hell is that about?
They're giving odds on how long
you'll stay alive being my partner.
Are you kidding?
How long did your last partner go?
A couple of weeks.
Don't worry, he's still alive,
teaching college.