-Hi, Sunny.
-Hi, Sue.
No, no!
Harry, what are you doing?
Hey, what's going on down here?
l'm taking the mailbox apart,
what does it look like?
-You people live here, don't you?
What are you doing to the mailbox?
Did you lose you key?
Why don't you mind
your own goddamn business.
That's my mailbox, too.
Don't you get smart with me!
Tampering with the mail
is a federal offense.
l'm calling the police.
l am the police.
The cop that lives upstairs?
What's that?
Plastic explosive.
A bomb?
That's right.
lf you'd bothered me any more,
we'd all be stuck to the ceiling.
-Do you want to hold it?
-No. l don't want to get involved.
Go to your apartment and stay there.
Don't open for anybody.