...then l may be right about something
that's been nagging at me.
l sure hope l'm not.
l don't want to be winning bets
for anybody.
Go a little faster, l'm on their side.
-Roll down your window.
-What? Are you out of your mind?
-l've never been wrong yet, have l?
-l don't know why l'm doing this.
-Say, excuse me. Could you help us out?
-What do you want?
Maybe you could help us,
we seem to be lost.
We were looking for the entrance
to San Quentin. You know where that is?
lt's back there. Don't you see too good?
Yeah, l see fine. l just wanted to know
whether you knew where San Quentin was.
And you do, don't you, asshole.
Get you yet, you son of a bitch.
You always gotta do things your way,
don't you?
No wonder Briggs stays on your tail.
You do things someone else's way
and you take your life in your own hands.