What are you doing here, Lieutenant?
Harry! You crazy son of a bitch!
l could've killed you.
Yeah, l noticed that, Charlie.
What the hell you doing?
l haven't seen you in a coon's age.
l been meaning to drop by,
but we've been kind of busy.
Yeah, well,
l ain't living with Carol anymore.
Sorry to hear that.
Yeah. lt's my third time at bat.
Where's the time go?
l'm afraid of time.
l know you 10 years already, ever since
l first came out here, you realize that?
You don't look older to me.
Do l look older to you?
Why don't you put in
for some desk work, Charlie?
You don't need the streets anymore.
We should've put our 20 in the Marines.
These days,
a cop kills a hoodlum on the street...
...he might as well just dump
the body some place.
Because those snot-nosed
young bastards...
...down at the DA's office will crucify them
one way or another.
A hood can kill a cop,
but let a cop kill a hood....
Am l right?
You put in plenty of time,
why don't you go for retirement?
What the hell, you don't need this.
l know you 10 years.
l'll tell you something, l'll never retire.