- Well, I ain't! Get that out of your head.
- I look like that.
You don't look any more like me
than you do that Coney Island! Eat it!
- We got the same jaw.
- Lots of people do!
- It's possible!
- It ain't!
- Then I want my $200!
- All right!
We got the same jaw. I know a woman
that looks like a bullfrog.
- That don't mean she's its mother!
- You met my mom in a bar.
You think everybody gets met in a bar
gets a baby?
- It's possible.
- Anything is. Possible don't make it true.
- Then I want my money!
- Will you quiet down?
The trouble with you is
you got no appreciation.
Maybe I did get a little money
from that man and you're entitled to that.
I'm entitled to my share for getting it for
you. Where would you be without me?
Think them folks would spend a penny to
send you east?
Who got you a ticket?
Who got you a Coney Island?
And threw in $20 extra, not to mention
85 cents for that telegram.
You wouldn't have had that without me.
I didn't have to take you, but I took you.
I think that's fair enough.
We're both a little better off.
You get to St Jo. I get myself
a little better car. Fair is fair.
Now, drink your Nehi
and eat your Coney Island.
I want my $200.
I don't have your $200 no more
and you know it.
If you don't give me my $200, I'm going
to tell a policeman how you got it
and he'll make you give it to me,
'cause it's mine.
But I don't have it!
Then get it.
How we doing, angel pie? Going to have
dessert when we finish our hot dog?
I don't know.
Daddy, why don't we get Precious
a dessert if she eats her dog?