Paper Moon

You wouldn't have had that without me.
I didn't have to take you, but I took you.

I think that's fair enough.
We're both a little better off.

You get to St Jo. I get myself
a little better car. Fair is fair.

Now, drink your Nehi
and eat your Coney Island.

I want my $200.
I don't have your $200 no more
and you know it.

If you don't give me my $200, I'm going
to tell a policeman how you got it

and he'll make you give it to me,
'cause it's mine.

But I don't have it!
Then get it.
How we doing, angel pie? Going to have
dessert when we finish our hot dog?

I don't know.
Daddy, why don't we get Precious
a dessert if she eats her dog?

Her name ain't Precious.
I want my money back on this ticket
and send this telegram, "Trip delayed,

"but I'm coming real soon!"
Lie quiet.
Folks don't take to children
when they're doing business.
