We're gonna get the indictments.
You're gonna have to testify.
Ready on the right.
Ready on the left.
Ready on the firing line.
What are you gonna tell
the grand jury, Frankie?
Depends on
what they ask me.
Suppose they ask you
who's taking money?
What I don't know,
I don't know.
But you do know, Frank.
Look, Frankie, I like you. I don't
want to see anything happen to you.
But you gotta understand,
a lot of people could get hurt here.
I'm not saying anything's going to
happen. I'm saying it could happen.
I mean, there's lots ofways.
Nobody has to take a shot at you.
They can just not be there
when you need them.
Somebody come at you with a gun,
they look the other way.
Or they can send you
in first enough times...
until finally one day you're gonna
walk in the wrong door.
- Thanks for the information.
- Fuckyou, Frank!
I have nothing more. Does anyone
have any further questions?
- Yes, Mrs. Crist?
- If I may, Mr. Knowles, thankyou.