What are you gonna tell
the grand jury, Frankie?
Depends on
what they ask me.
Suppose they ask you
who's taking money?
What I don't know,
I don't know.
But you do know, Frank.
Look, Frankie, I like you. I don't
want to see anything happen to you.
But you gotta understand,
a lot of people could get hurt here.
I'm not saying anything's going to
happen. I'm saying it could happen.
I mean, there's lots ofways.
Nobody has to take a shot at you.
They can just not be there
when you need them.
Somebody come at you with a gun,
they look the other way.
Or they can send you
in first enough times...
until finally one day you're gonna
walk in the wrong door.
- Thanks for the information.
- Fuckyou, Frank!
I have nothing more. Does anyone
have any further questions?
- Yes, Mrs. Crist?
- If I may, Mr. Knowles, thankyou.
Officer Serpico came
to the 7th Division...
more than a year
and a half ago.
All during that time, the things
he's told us were taking place.
Now, why didn't
Officer Serpico...
report these criminal activities
when he first encountered them?
- I'd like to answer that.
- Mr. Chairman...
Mrs. Crist's question isn't material
or relevant to the present inquiry.
-Although I want to make it clear...
-I'd like to answer that.
Officer Serpico cannot be considered
derelict of his duty in any way...
or guilty of
any infraction of the law.
Quite the contrary.
The District Attorney is not prepared
to say any more at this time.
Very well. Officer Serpico,
thankyou foryour testimony.
This hearing is adjourned
until 1 0::00 tomorrow morning.
Why didn't you tell him
about Delaney and Kellogg?
Frank, this was a grand jury
about police officers...
actively engaged in corruption.
You don't implicate people
without sufficient evidence.
That's crap and you know it, because
even a dumb cop like me knows...
a prosecutor can take a grand jury
anywhere it wants to take it.