And the murderess is in here!
- What?
- Do you know what you've found?
A complete file
on the Blanchion Twins.
- Now what are you talking about?
- Do you remember...
about a year ago, "Life" magazine
ran a whole story on them.
- The only Siamese twins...
- Look, I was up there, Grace,
and I know what I know and saw,
and I didn't see no Siamese twins.
I do know that you have to have
a dead body before you have a murder.
I gotta get going.
We gotta catch this ferry.
You mean that's all you're gonna do...
locate the body and then split?
- Yes, for Quebec.
- Quebec?
That's where Breton
told them to take it.
Now, wherever that couch goes,
I follow, because somebody's
gonna be waiting for it...
at the other end,
and I want to know who.
- That makes sense.
- Hey, lend me a dollar, will ya?
When we get to Manhattan,
I'm gonna go see this writer,
- and then...
- Then you go back to your apartment,
lock the door, and wait
for me to call. Period.
Where's Arthur McLennen's
Uh, end of the hall,
to your right.
- Uh, Miss, uh, Miss Collier?
- Yes.
Ah, yes.
Well, I'm, uh, I'm Arthur McLennen.
- How do you do?
- Hello.
I, uh, I'm afraid
I'm a little disorganized today.
Are, uh, are you here
about, uh...
- Well. That's the Blanchion Twins file.
- Yes, it is.
Now, I know you did the story
over a year ago,
but I was hoping you might remember
enough about it to help me.
Oh, those poor girls.